Sunday, March 14, 2010

The start of my shame...

You can always find a lesser love, but can you find a better friend? ...Or was it the other way around? Possibly, it's neither; Maybe you can't find a better friendship then the one you have and maybe the same goes for love. What happens though when that gut renching feeling of love is directed at your friend though? Better yet, what happens when that friend is your go-to-guy, cool dude, the friend? It's a hard choice to cross the barrier between friend and lover, a dangerous line at that; You must always remember that just because you like someone, doesn't mean they have to like you. This point leads us to ponder the thought of again of is it worth a friendship to venture for love? We know it's not worth the venture if you suspect a relationship that only will be minor and last a year or two, but what if you think that it could be more? What if he is the man you were born to be with, everything you ever wanted? Alast, I think we know what has to be done, the pain and hurt of love must be put away until the feelings numb you and you can no longer cry over the lost of love because you have a greater feeling of warmth knowing that they love you back...just as a friend.

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