Thursday, February 11, 2010

A crap load of Zombie Love: Aka my comic

This is basically just a few posts of comics and drawings...This will be the most comics you see at a single time...I'm normally lazy, felt you should know.

I'm just going to go out and say this...COD sucks.(Yes, I drew that zombie logo, my art is like sex so please don't rape it, ask before using.)

If you have some sort of 'illness' you might be able to relate to this post, if not you still might be able to relate in some
other way.

This braclet does not define me, why is it all you can see? I try my hardest to let it blend into me, it's a part of me and I can't
just forget about it, I don't expect you to forget about it either. Everytime you look at me, I know what you are looking at, that
stupid bracelt. You used to look me in the eye, even if I didn't, but now you just look at that braclet, almost with a look of
compassion mixed with fear. With an act of couriosity and suttulty, you ask my about the braclet, again. Soon, you become afraid
and cautious for me. Why wasn't I invited to the party? Oh, there were flashing lights, you thought it could effect me, because of 
this braclet. I don't feel comfortable sleeping over anymore, just incase, or I thought you would like it since I moved all sharp
objects, just in case. Why must I just be my braclet? Why can't I just be seen as myself again? I never thought that this braclet
would mean more to you then it does to me...

On June 14th, 2009 I was diagnosed with Epilepsy. On June 21st, I recieved my medical alert braclet, made to blend in and not stick 
out. While to some this braclet is just a piece of jewlery, it's just a reminder to me and everyone else that I'm a little bit 
different, or to some people that I'm sick. I understand it from my friends point of views, I take a lot of pills, I go to
Childrens Hospital once a week or more and I sometimes get a seizure. I didn't realize at first that I wouldn't be the one who had to 

deal with this, it seems to effect the people around me more. I just hope that some day soon, people begin to see past the glow of my see me again.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Congrats! This must be the worlds -insert high number- blog!

My first post? Oh joy, an introductory post! Don't run off yet, I'll keep it short. 

Basically my name is Ash and I'm a girl. Pretty basic, eh? Alright, I'll give you a better write up...later.

february 7th, 2010...I think?

Today is the day that I realized how pathetic my life is and in turn how pathetic I am. While majority of people I know are out partying on a night like today or at least on a date, I'm here in my not so sexy 'Hello Kitty' jammies with an oversized 'GLaDOS' shirt on facebook and it's only 7pm. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy alone time but not for the 5th weekend in a row! Well if I'm pathetic, I should start doing what all pathetic people do...START A BLOG! 

I'm going to try and update this at least once a week or more. Basically this is going to be about my life as a poor student's life in the single lane with videogames. 
(I also have a webcomic on side that I will upload to here every now and then. The webcomic is called 'Zombie Creations', it's pretty awesome.) 

I really hope someone is reading this and that I'm not just typing to myself...